What is Tae Kwon Do?

Tae Kwon Do the Korean Martial Art of Self-Defence that is characterised by its fast,high & spinning kicks.

Translated from Korean:
Tae means to jump, kick or smash with the foot
Kwon means fist or to punch
Do means art, method or way.

To the Korean people Taekwondo is more than a mere use of skilled movements. It also implies a way of thinking and like, particularly in instilling a concept and spirit of strict self-imposed discipline and an ideal of noble moral rearmament. It is action philosophy designed as a complete non-violent discipline of entire body training and character building.

How will Tae Kwon Do benefit me?

By practicing Taekwondo, one will benefit in these ways:
Physically: Good co-ordination, toning, reduction of weight, improved flexibility, cardiovascular conditioning, increased strength, general fitness.
Mentally: Self confidence, self-discipline, better judgement, self control, stress reduction, better self image, positive attitude.
Philosophically: Taekwondo stands for and promotes the principal of honesty, courtesy, humility, respect, courage, generosity, loyalty and perseverance.
Integrating these three aspects into one’s daily life will result in harmony, health and happiness for the individual and will build freedom, justice and peace in our society.

What is the T.A.G.B?

T.A.G.B. stands for The Tae Kwon Do Association of Great Britain. The T.A.G.B. is the largest martial arts association in Europe. With 20,000 members in over 450 clubs nationwide we provide you with high-quality tuition, regularly run national competitions, seminars, training camps, added benefits high-profile events, as well as a fun, safe way to get fit and meet people .

The T.A.G.B. is a member of of the British Tae Kwon-Do Council and also a founder member of Tae Kwon-Do International.

Am I too old to start Tae Kwon Do?

No one  is too old to start Tae Kwon-Do. We currently have people training between the ages of  5 and 80. In Tae kwon-Do  we recognise that everyone has their own skills and abilities so everyone works to their own level. We will encourage you to improve by setting goals and expanding your horizons.

What do I need to start training?

You don’t need any special equipment to start your training in Tae Kwon-Do. Simply come along in some loose clothing such as T-shirt and Tracksuit bottoms. If you decide that you want to carry on training you will need to purchase a T.A.G.B. Dobok (training suit) before your first grading.

What does training consist of?

Training sessions are varied. They all start with a warm up to ensure that everyone is prepared for the rest of the lesson. lessons may include fitness training, stretching, patterns, free sparring, set sparring, self defence, technical instruction and theory, Usually a lesson is made up of a mixture of all of the above, ensuring that there is something for everyone.


Some of our students may benefit from sessions with a Physiotherapist. We recommend Top to Toe Physiotherapy who therapist Kelly will be able to help. To make an enquiry or booking contact 07501339535 or visit www.toptotoephysiotherapy.co.uk